Standard Designation

Title Comments Due By
Template Template for Submitting Public Review Comments NA
IAPMO PS 23 Dishwasher and Low Flow Drain Air Gaps July 29, 2024
IAPMO PS 42 Pipe and Tubing Alignment and Secondary Support Systems with or without Pipe and Tubing Safety or Protection July 29, 2024
IAPMO IGC 345 Polypropylene (PP) DWV Pipe with or without a Mineral Filled Core and PP Fittings July 29, 2024
IAPMO IGC 397 Two-stage Toilet Coupler July 29, 2024
IAPMO IGC 402 Residential Ozone Generators for Pools and Spas July 29, 2024
IAPMO IGC 407 Stub Out Fittings with Various End Connections July 29, 2024

Note: In order to be considered, comments must be submitted using the template above. Comments not submitted using the template above will not be considered.

Input from stakeholders (e.g., inspection officials, product manufacturers, engineering professionals, and the public at large) is an important part of the IAPMO standards development process. Proposals for new IAPMO industry standards or changes to existing industry standards are posted on this website for 20 days prior to publication

All stakeholders are invited to submit comments to the IAPMO Standards Review Committee (SRC) regarding the posted documents. The SRC will review ALL comments submitted and will address any substantiated health or safety issues raised before the new or revised standards are published.

Comments should be submitted by e-mail to standards@IAPMOstandards.org, using the template above. All comments must include the following:

  1. Name, company (if applicable), and contact information of commenter (including e-mail address).
  2. Specific technical issues and health and safety concerns related to the proposal.
  3. Supporting information substantiating the comments. E-mail attachments can be submitted in Word or PDF format.
  4. Proposed wording to address the technical, health, or safety issues to the satisfaction of the commenter.

Commenters will be notified regarding the date and time of the SRC meeting at which the comments will be considered. Commenters are encouraged to attend the meeting to participate in the discussion of their comments.

Comments on proposed revisions must relate to the revisions themselves. Commenters wishing to submit changes to other sections not part of the proposed revisions will be asked to resubmit their comments as a separate proposed change to the standard.

This forum provides an expedited opportunity for all IAPMO members and other stakeholders to give valuable input to the SRC without having to wait for IAPMO’s Annual Conference. It is in this way that all of us, working together, can continue to develop some of the best standards in the plumbing and mechanical industry.

Check this site monthly as proposals for new standards and changes to existing standards are added regularly. Click on the number designation of the documents below to open the PDF files with the proposals. If you wish to receive a notification e-mail when standards are posted on this site, please send a request to standards@IAPMOstandards.org.